Thursday, 10 November 2011

script writing

Story Map Main Points

  • Protagonist - Ollie wright

  • Character Goals - To keep peace in his hometown and to win over the girl of his dreams who is with his enemy.

  • Dramatic Conflict - or Antagonist - He has an enemy and he is called martin lavis. he is with the girl of his dreams and he knows there is something funny about this man and wants to find out as he doesnt want this girl to be hurt.

  • Theme -  perserverance..the theme of the story is the city where he grew up and where his parents live begins to turn to slums with gangs and drugs taking. so he decides to learn to fight and gets knocked down a lot by these gangs.

  • Central Question/Statement or Premise -He finds out that his enemy is the drug lord of the city and the girl he loves is completly unaware. she wont listen to him because she is blindly in love and he finds out that the police are on a hunt and kill for this man and the girl because she is with him and they believe that she is in it with him.

  • Ending -the ending is the enemy mearly misses death and goes to the death row until his time comes. the man gets the girl of his dreams but when he leaves all this work behind him and tries to get on with his life he gets mugged on the way home from work and passes away in hospital.

  • Story Arc - the storys arc is the man overcomes his enemy and gangs and turns the city into a good place again.

Act 1(Begin) - when the story begins it shows the man who is very wealthy through investments on search engines not knowing much about how the crime rate is in his city. and when he finds out that the crime rate is so high that people are moving away and that his family are getting bullied by gangs he decides to spend some of his wealth on making a bullet proof outift and using it to prevent crime and make people scared.. only one problem, he doesnt know how to fight.. it also shows the girl that he has loved for years and that she is with his worst enenmy and that rivarly has been there for years also as he used to bully him. When he learns how to fight he decides to try and take on a gang and he looses badly as he is not good enough so he decides to change that..

Act 2 (Middle) - it takes the story a couple of months down the line where he is now a top fighter and is fearless after so many defeats. his family is getting bullied by these gangs and he decides to stop that and goes to make a trap for them and they fall for that and he manages to take them all on. once there defeated he demands them to tell who there boss is and to his suprise his street enemy is actually his real life enemy. he goes to tell the girl he loves that she needs to get out because he is a bad amn and a gangstar and she doesnt believe him and tells him to not speak to her ever again. after he leaves he is heartbroken and decides enough is enough and writes his enemy a letter saying he is coming for him no mattter what it takes.

Act 3 (End) - his family's house gets set alight from this gang he thought he had defeated and his dad doesnt manage to get out and dies.. the man is devaststed and goes mad to make surehis enemy gets justice. he goes home to plan what he is going to do and while that is happening on the news he sees that the police and F.B.I are after him and the girl and they will shoot on site. so he gets worried and realises he needs to do something quickly before is to late. he goes to his enemys estate and sees that the police are already there so he creeps throught he roof and enters the building. He finds the man and they start fighting witht he girl who is tied up with a gun to her head. he has use her the whole time to help him and she is upset and relised she should of listened the whole time. when there fighting the enemy gets the better of the "hero" and starts to beat him viciously until the police intervene and he kills them. while he is shooting them the man gets up and picks up a chair and breaks it oer the enemys head. he is knocked out and he hands him to the remaing officers. the girl is so incredbily thankful and hugs and kisses the man. he has just been made the happiest man in the world he has won over the girl he has loved his whole life. when he walks out he is holding this girls hand and he walks home. 

a month goes on and it looks at his life now and it is completly transformed, he still lost his dad and is still grieving but he now has his girl and his family and his wealth all with him. just as it ends he is walking to his car when a group approach him and beat him up and stab him. he is left for dead on the street in the rain....

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